Perhaps I’m the wrong audience but I got absolutely nothing from this film, but perhaps that’s because there was nothing to gain. No history, no substance, no plot. It was just an agonising string of tedious dialogue. This film is a bit like meeting your friends at a pub or bar, only turning up 4 hours late after they’ve all had a skinful then sitting there stone cold sober while they talk drivel at you. I left after one hour because I couldn’t waste any more of my life on it.
I suppose one positive is that whether you are a motorcycle enthusiast or not the film is equally dreadful so it doesn’t discriminate.
Tom Hardy is an entirely unconvincing gang leader. He should have stopped at Legend as he was ok in that.
Everything in this film will annoy you. The dialogue, the accents, the constant smoking of cigarettes, (by people clearly not comfortable smoking cigarettes). The list goes on. One film critic compared it to Goodfellas. Well that would be true if Goodfellas was dreadful.
You might want to sit though this as an endurance test but other than that I wouldn’t waste your time.