Everything that "Ehan Noor" said in his review is True.
Im suprised he took the time to write all this , wasting another 30 minutes of his life to write his revew - but I see - He had Kindneess to others :).
And now I take 5 Minutes from my life to do the same servise, just with less wards.
As he said, Trash Game - only play it if you plan to not have a life
and then feel even worse about your life.
Be wary - it can take your soul a way, it allmost toke mine.
I was addicted to this trash game for years but luckely it become worse and worse and worser that I could overcome that addiction and save my soul.Thanks GOD.
How I was addicted you then ask ? Well.. It was good at the start, so I got hooked, but since season 3 it went downhill ever since.
Like preety HARD DOWN HILL, that playing it now will just make you sick upset angry sad frustrated and so on...
If you are reading this - You have been warnned.