The movie was a complete disappointment, in the original there were plenty of laughs, in this monstrosity of tragedy, I don’t think I even cracked a smile........ correction one smirk did emerge for the “Whole new world” song, but it was still almost forced... As I sat there saying “Get these tones right” over and over.... This new version can’t even compare to the original, it was simply a time where political correctness was not on the agenda 24/7..... And to be frank, Jasmine in this version had way to much screen time and also not enough at the same time, the original Jasmine was an instant love idol from the moment she entered the scene, her innocence and regal-ness shined before she said her first word. This new Jasmine was beautiful but seemed so rushed to be loved by the audience that she fell short of just that. Jafar........... ughhhhhhhh they ruin a perfectly delicious evil villain so quickly, his witty yet sinister tone and banter was just destroyed, the blueprint was already laid and it seemed like they just decided to let whoever be Jafar, showed him 2 1/2 clips from the original and said ACTION. Iago was such a presence in the original screaming “A PROBLEM WITH YA DAUGHTER” and smacking the flamingo and running for dear life on the little contraption for Jafar, I cracked up every time I heard him say “Chump and his chump daughter” and “pushing the father and the little miss off a cliff!” Iago was a full on character that was just thrown to the gutter in this remake. The cave of wonders, one of my favorite scenes ruined, Jafar becoming a giant snake never happened, the genie moving the palace to the top of the hill was just cut out, the genie........ the genie was a total waste, they should have never released this if they were not gonna live up to the original while the viewers of the original are still living. This film was just slapped between two buns, smothered in onions, and left to die on the side..... Cruella Deville has actually gotten the last laugh.