Use to be world or warcraft now it is world of wusscraft. Sad your job is to ruin the God Father of MMORPG's. One would think they would continue to make a great game but sadly no. They let themselves get bought out and it has been down hill from there. Devs and management are more worried about what you say and hurting peoples feeling instead of making a high quality game. Just dumbed down more and more and no wonder our kids are more and more stupid than the last generation and take less chances then the last generation. Had great lore/ originality and that is now gone. Now they cant write themselves out of a paper bag. If you are going to play anything just go to ESO. This game is now for tweens worried about their feelings. Also they now make it a money pit so just got play ESO like stated earlier and save your money. These are the folks that said you think you do but you don't LOL These people cant even give you in game housing lol one of the most simplest things lol The people who have anything to do with this game should be ashamed of themselves and what they have done to this franchise!