I know this show has been throughly trashed on, but it mostly deserves it. While I think there are some positives to the show (Like the animation for the fight scenes) it’s absolutely buried under a sea of mediocre, cringe slop.
Now, you don’t need me to tell you that the world building is terrible, nothing is given good explanations or reasoning, if any at all. The concept of new magic and old magic is pretty interesting, but it’s executed poorly. The characters are a mixture of annoying unfunny morons and underdeveloped blank slates. If I have to give this show credit, Snapdragon and Amaryllis are ok characters, but they’re nothing too special.
The plot of this show is, like the world building, underdeveloped and lazy. I could probably write a better narrative on a dirty napkin in a pub after 3 rounds of beer. Random events and new groups of people, like the mermaids, are thrown in. The evil villainous force barely does anything throughout the season before finally kicking it into maximum overdrive in the final episode. It honestly feels like the show is just trying too hard to be heartwarming and cutesy, only including a plot as an afterthought. In the end, HGS accomplishes none of those things and its attempts to do so fall flat.
I don’t want to go on too long so I’ll stop here, I wouldn’t even recommend this show as a meme watch to see with your friends, it’s just too boring. Really a huge nothing sandwich of a show. If you were planning to watch it, do something more productive with your time, like watching paint dry.