I'm pleased I was asked to review. There are 100 ways to be introduced to Mr Wendell Berry and Port William, Ky. and its inhabitants. The Catletts, Colters, Feltners, the Keiths and so many more. Mr. Berry frames a world so important and vital to our well being yet, as time progresses, it is lost in pursuit of ... the objective ... for money, status, importance, our true self. Jayber continually reminds us of that true self. He questions everything and everybody, makes his own way in the world, and leaves his quiet, steady hand wherever he goes. And of course, he goes (back) to Port William, where he belongs, and serves the locals as the barber. Jayber and his shop become central to people in Port William but his heart is never fulfilled. Jayber Crow is never deterred as his work .. God's work, and his neighbor's needs, are always more important than his needs.
Mr. Berry is an American treasure and his message is more important than ever.