As of right now I would say it’s 8-8.5/10 it has bugs, glitches, some dungeons are rough early on I should know spent 2 hrs battling abomination as a solo medic at lvl 3 on veteran but that was also because I didn’t explore the previous area and tried to rush through.
The start of the game is rough especially solo but with friends not bad once you get to early mid then you will start to take off with more sustain from class perks, traits, and equipment.
I’ve seen people talk trash about this game but with 77hours so far in at late game it’s still fun it gets dull from burn out every now and then but even now I’m still finding new bosses new rewards and new loot.
With 11 classes to choose from 1 being the elusive archon class and the other being the gunslinger hidden in dialogue the diversity of play is there.
The game price at the time of writing this is/was 49.99$ which is a good deal