I want to start with saying that I absolutely loved the first one and was so excited about Forbidden West. I really wanna like it.....so much so that I've dumbed probably 40 hrs into it. They've added a few really cool things since the first game but everything else just feels clunky and the side missions seem to distract from the story.
I just saw a post from user Merle Skeet that he wrote 3 months ago that absolutely nailed it on the head. He gave it 1 star....I think 2 stars is more fitting.
Here's an excerpt of what he wrote:
"...My major issues is the spear fighting system, camera frame, puzzles, move mechanics, weird weapon system, dull acting, unneeded button prompts and the climbing system.
It seems that to pull off anything correct you have to do it exactly or it doesn't matter, many times I'll be in a fight or puzzle solve when and because I went too far or was too fast or slow with a button press. I end up facing unjust Consequencs in falling, or missing and not of all not sliding but crouching.
To make it worst it seems the designers like most company what you to see all the glory of a least but give no care to gameplay.
Light,camera,and frame space are so troublesome that it is what cause most of my time being lost, dying, or completely taken out of the game
An for being take out of the game nothing is better than a 3 hr game play and misson run just to do a 30 min chat with awkward and time consuming chat choices that don't change the narrative but the order of how I hear them. Which is way worst than an unsuitable cutsecene
As well I am. Ot sure what is in the works for the next title if there is one but why take away the cool gear upgrade progression , why add in weird and sometimes useless wepaon type or ammo. To make it worst you can run with one weapon just because it the only one that use a Particular ammo and now stuck with adding more to the weapon wheel.
As well the weapon wheel what is the point of that nothing in my last has caused just grif like the Horizon weapon wheel. You need to use the shock ammo well good luck trying to get it quickly in a battle with 3 machines charging 2 raiders and bright light flashing in your eyesit suck when a game you like start going down a road you don't want to follow."
I included exactly how he wrote it and completely agree. I have to decide now if I'm actually gonna try to finish it or not. Ugh!