This show has extremely serious issues, vented out and released into the world for monetary gain. only recently has the show started assisting with the arrests of "some" child molesters. However, for many years this production has allowed the offenders to go right back to there pitiful lives, and no counsel connections are made for the victims. Many victims are poor and uneducated therefore they don't have money for emotional, psychologcial or physical doctors or social workers to help with proper healing. Steve will just tell them go get help.. Really??
Yesterday he told a couple "Im not trying to break you up, but..." then tells the wife to leave her husband. Steve is not a therapist, the producer is not a therapist or doctor, and they dont help any of the guest connect to help in their home-communities. If this program continues stop making money off the guest serious issues, without getting help at home.
Have Ministers, and Therapist in audience to assist with guiding the victims to a normal life, so that their issues don't continue or spill over onto "New Victims in the Community"