I'm in complete agreement with the pathetic Taylor Swift joke. However, I do not think this entire show needs to be "canceled" because of it. An entire cast and crew would be out jobs. I do think it needs to be acknowledged by the show creators and whomever else needs to take accountability. Now that that is said, I really enjoyed this show. I would have given it 5 stars except for the fact that I feel like when this show gets it right it gets it right, and it gets a lot right, but when it gets it wrong, it gets it really wrong, which is annoying. (the tap dance scene for anyone who has seen it...). The cast for the most part has good chemistry. They take on some difficult topics and mostly do it well, there is depth to most of the characters and I feel like everyone can relate to someone in the show. The plot is interesting as well. Interestingly enough the character I am most let down by is Ginny as I feel they took the angsty angry at my parents and hate the world teenager a little overboard and it felt too dramatized and not convincing in terms of being realistic. That's just my opinion though. I would watch a season two and I hope they get the opportunity to create one.