Horrible movie I think the title ruins the movie This was nothing close to war let alone a civil war The title should've have been like Photo Journalist on the front Line but then that would have been a joke 1/2 the movie is 3 Photo JOURNALIST & a stowaway in a car that says PRESS on the side LOL maybe "Traveling Photographers or Journalist" the Acting was ok. There was something lacking between the main characters the stowaway wants to be involved & has a camera, she's a newbie but doesn't know a really cool picture to snap when she sees it If you're looking for a civil war non stop action movie this is not it. The last 10 minutes was action with tanks bombing and shooting that was good. The Photo Journalist do cover a couple shoot outs with small groups but they're stupid you don't know who's who & why it's odd The movie is basically a road trip to DC to interview the President before he's captured This is a far cry from journalist covering an actual WAR in real time. Oh and you'd think they'd carry some protection in their Traveling PRESS SUV since they're covering a WAR.