I saw the movie when it came out. I will never forget one scene which literally MADE ME JUMP OUT OF MY SEAT in the Theater.
Three years later in my first year of college, we had a movie night in the main lobby of our dormatory I and one other guy on our hall of about 30 other guys were the only ones who had seen it.
I and the other guy stood at the 2 stairway doors (one on one side of the dormitary & one on the opposite side) of the Third floor. Each person that passed us, we offered a bet that they would be scared at least once during the movie.
Out of the 26 other hall residents, 10 took my bets of $5.00 each. and the remaining 16 passed through the other stairway and took the same $5.00 bet.
After the movie was over,I made about $50.00 and the other guy made about $80.00. Turned out to be EASY MONEY!