I don’t think Pedro ever loved Chantel, he used her for the green card like her family suspected, but had to hang in until he got what he wanted a nice home for his Selfish Mother and Sister. Look at the Mother and Grandmother, both had affairs with rich married men, tried to trap them with children and were quite comfortable admitting that. Mother was upset that her Daughter was in love with man with no money as she thinks that is success in a marriage. Too many think all Americans are rich because they see tv and the reality shows with big homes and flashy cars, sad they have no moral, but you cannot expect Pedro to be any different. Red flag was when he told Chantels family you only have to be married two years and divorce as he had been taught the divorce laws of the USA. He hung in a little longer, not to look bad, but to obtain more material things, educated, a career that would give him the financial comfort to bring his Mother, Sister to the USA. So as he finally got his real estate licence he needed to be there long enough to set himself up. When you look at whole picture, he has contributed very little to this relationship, flying off whenever, giving all his earnings to his family to set them up comfortably until. Chantel had paid all the rent, food, filing of papers which seems to be $40,000 just for that. Never wanted to start a family, wasting Chantels life, but made sure house big enough to bring his family. Never does he come to his wife’s aid with his family until the end, this was to win over Chantels family and if you noticed it was when Chantel stopped sharing info about her relationship with her family. Why wait until then, it would be easier to convince her family that it was Chantels fault for breakup as you notice they backed off with their suspicions and he was in with her family. First time he had to financially contribute he wants a separation, convenient. What sickens me more is the young woman he is choosing to fool around with knew he was married man and yet pursues and interferes. If the shoe was on the other foot, do you think Pedro would accept a wife, her family living with him, all her earnings going to her family while living in bachelor or 1 berm apt., her flying off to see her family with any excuse. Sorry Pedro, I fully understand why you Father did not want to stay with your Mother as she is a user, your Grandmother is a user, so are you a user. His Sister will pick a man to use to, as you see the Mother will not accept any man in her life without lots of money, love is nothing if you have never known it. Wish Chantel left him behind when her family was trying to warn her. Chantel your life can only get better as you will find the man who will adore you and love you for your beauty inside and out. Pedro will get his just deserts, hope it this woman he is pursuing now. I say Good ridden to Pedro and his low class family.