I'm sorry for anyone who likes the anime, But...
This anime is Sooooooo boring!
Why I dislike it:
There's only one guy and like 19 women, and he's all alone with them. The ONLY guy amongst all the girls in the show has as much depth as a cardboard cut out,
And somehow all these random girls like him! It's ridiculous! The type of story it is, is blander than air. "Farming in another world"
First of, other worldly animes aren't usually good. And the farming in the anime is uneventful and weird. When something slightly interesting happens, I'm on the edge of my seat hoping- "maybe this anime will be different!" But I'm always met with disappointment.
Also! Making every girl in the show have a large chest is a big red flag. It make the anime look low quality, and only for a male audience.
But! I do respect the work they put in the anime, I'm sure someone saw this anime being great! And that's okay. As long as the people that made this had fun, then that's all that matters in the end.
Plus. My opinion doesn't matter, don't let my comment prevent you from watching the anime. (even if it's a time waster)
-Someone on the internet