Continuing to divide America portraying unrealistic racism. Poor choices made to not call 911 knowing it was the right thing to do… but let peer pressure from a friend guide their convoluted bad choices. But the ending was disappointing as ever. They put themselves in a situation that didn’t represent the truth, and then were treated like the suspect they should never had been if they’d called 911 to start with. Then he is traumatized for life because he didn’t follow the cops orders to get out of the car like the rest of his friends did, and he is traumatized because he was treated different? Nothing to do with race, he didn’t follow simple orders after they ran from the cops. No matter the reason. Racist comments on both sides of the racial barrier and called the white girl Goldilocks and showed white peoples sus in black neighborhood. Also showed black on black racism and main character called an Oreo for being “white” on the inside. Judging him for having a “white” upbringing that apparently makes him less black than others. Wow! Then slams the door in the girls face while thanking them for saving her sisters life! Disappointing. Keep diving America I suppose…
Oh yea it was heart wrenching to show a white girl call 911 and not be taken seriously and ignored cause she’s too stupid to know her sisters not in an emergency 🚨! Wow….