For me, this was a very interesting movie to watch, though I would completely understand why some people would find it terribly boring.
It is not your typical war movie, it is not about a Korean Battle of Alamo, it is not a battle with amazing feats of courage and battles every few minutes, in fact, most battle scenes are brief and come only a few times. Though I do like a good battle scene, the majority of this movie was actually discussion, almost philosophical if it already wasn't.
The movie presents a king and his subjects stuck in a fortress, during winter, surrounded with strong Qing soldiers.
From my view, I found my self snug in the position of the king of Joseon (An old Korean dynasty). I feel that the directors purposely try to do that, to show you and give you the amount of stress that came from your subjects during a time of war. They present two sides, die with glory, or live and save your people. It's easy to say either, but the movie strongly presents that it is nothing but easy.
Even the enemies themselves that you find in the movie have some sort of reason. Everyone has a some reason, and you can then understand that everyone there really are just normal people, though sometimes it does seem a little good vs bad at times as most war movies usually present.
Nonetheless, it was a new version of a movie I hadn't seen before, and though I did feel bored at times, it was enjoyable, and I personally liked it.