I enjoyed watching the entire episodes for Netflix series of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's not excellent but it was rather decently good for me. I laughed at some parts in particular Sokka's jokes. The bending moves are so cool and the action itself really appears to be inspired by Jackie Chan movies. As for the CGI such as places and the iconic pets Appa and Momo, they did such a great job with such. The main characters look like their cartoon counterparts. For the acting, Zuko is the best. I don't mind the Netflix adaption to be more mature and written differently as long it keeps the main focus and most important events to the plot. After all, they brought back the cabbage man.
I understand that there are mixed reviews and people are free to make opinions. Having an open mind, helped me to like the show despite of its flaws. There are many things that can't be translated well from cartoon so that's probably why this adaption is different. The costumes are rather appropriate for the setting because it makes their wearers to feel in place according to their environment. Warning: There is swearing and some graphic depiction of action.
As for the things that I did find nitpicky, some of the lines do feel either repetitive or break the rule of show and not tell. Also, Katara's acting feels bland and lifeless. I don't think that it's bad acting since it appears that's what the directors want her to be too shy. Her character needs more fuel in her fire just like the cartoon Katara.
For the next season, I do hope that there are more than eight episodes. The ending of the season left me wanting for the second season. I can't wait for Toph to be appear. She is one of my favorite characters. Season 1 in the animated version was so good but the weakest of the three seasons. Please don't ship Aang with Katara. I rather prefer Katara with Zuko.
Just remember, that the way these producers created this adaptation series it is more realistically appropriate than being exactly like the cartoon.