One of the worst movies I've ever seen. The editing/direction is sometimes so irrational it seemed like the director was fighting with a monkey to film the picture. And if you love super close-up shots, awkward pauses, awkward line delivery, well, you're in luck. We're told that everybody in the film hates the main character but are never shown or explained why people feel that way towards what seems to be a nice girl. Calvin, the friend, has no purpose in the movie but to almost fall to death and to eat sand, which is what I felt like doing after realizing I wasted two hours. There are moments of good acting, but there are wide swaths of desert were acting should be. A couple entertaining moments, everything else is a muddled, new age-y philosophy mess. It's like going to an orchestra performance where over two hours they play the right notes only twice, and spend the rest of the time playing off-key and emptying their spit valves. Go home and read the book (I never have, but I bet it's better than this, just by default). Or better yet, go in your backyard and film your own film.