Perhaps it's because I've seen so much Nick Cage from his earlier years or maybe it's because I was more so expecting a real brutal and downright disturbing movie but this film didn't hit me quite like I was expecting it to from the fantastic editing, score, promotional material, and overral vibe.
For what those facts were worth, they were great on each level. The editing was absolutely fantastic and mixed with the equally disturbing score really helped get invested in the Shock and horror.
As a massive Nick Cage fan- I have to digress in saying that he plays the titular Longlegs character a little too big for as little of screentime as we got. I constantly was sitting there wondering when he was going to show up- how he was going to act, and although it can be found disturbing, the character is played much like The Riddler from the Batman Movie that released a few years ago. I couldn't help but find myself enjoying it as a Nickolas Cage crazy character rather than a serious disturbing serial killer.
Overall, what it falls short in is the writing. It's a very by the books type of horror film that doesn't really dare to adventure anywhere we haven't been over and over again. For me, I imagine this film is going to fall into obscurity but still have its fans. Overall, it's not a bad film but it's not nearly as groundbreaking or skincrawling as it's promotional materials made it out to be. Horror fans will find alot of inspiration from other horror films being drawn into this one- but it doesn't flesh those inspirations out enough to warrant much else than a notice.
Would go to see to get your own opinion on it- not a bad film at all.