Ditto about So-Min. Honestly, I find her trying too hard that I get irritated just watching her. Eg. In 2018, Ep. 412 filming her running all the way with the container and poor Kwang Soo chasing after her ... is it really necessary? Stop with her 'dirty trick', 'slapstick humor' and 'innocent remarks' cos it's not funny.
I still love watching RunningMan. While I think Se-Chan is blending in better now than before, I tend to ignore So-Min as though she's not part of the show.
So PDs - please feedback to her to get her acts together cos it's really ruining the 'entertainment' or just replace her. There are so many ladies who starred in the show that really fit the bill. And focusing the camera on her each time she tried to do a slap-stick is really not helping.