Alright so I am definitely happy I borrowed the game and didn't waste any money on it as EA has yet again let us down disappointed and failed to be at all original in Wild Heart's. Now let us talk about why!
1. As many and now myself included will say pick ONE not two game concepts that aren't even your to begin with (Monster Hunter/ Fortnite) and go for it and if you are going to have multiple concepts at least try to be original about it.
2. The games mechanic's are clunky-ish even when they work as smoothly as they can there is no sugar coating it EA
3. Hit box's of both players dodges and monsters attacks are absolutely dreadful, and not because the players cannot dodge consistently and such but for the fact monster attacks will sometimes not even connect when in all honesty they should and players dodging is weapon specific and each one is still very poorly put together in my "opinion".
3. The healing and eating concept is also aweful if I wanted to stand still and heal I would go back to an older monster hunter game before worlds generation, and even the earlier titles of monster hunter such as 4 ultimate play and handle better than EA's poor attempt to mash two other gaming studio's best sellers together. EA your greedy and unoriginal and this is the absolute last time I'll touch an EA title and that means I'll never recommend another either.
Let your studios imagination run wild and commit to your own concepts such as anthem for instance! You could have done like cyberpunk and final fantasy 14 did to overhaul and save the game but you let it go which was definitely a bad choice when you even had it in mind to do...which sadly seems all EA studios wants to make now is bad choices. I give it a 3 of 10 for effort and time put into it past that its gets nothing and the list keeps going with the games issues but Even though Daunltess was a monster hunter like game/clone even they did a far better job then EA has with wildhearts.