This anime, is heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time. Even though it sounds like an action anime such as Naruto or One Piece, it has a moral, and is excellent in passing through life lessons. I adore the characters and how the story is written, it's a beautiful work of art, and deserves to be well known. This is a masterpiece in my eyes! It contains some language, and some "strange" moments, like any anime! Though unlike others, it doesn't descend into an "over the line" situation where it's not "ok" for younger audiences, it's all just for fun and laughs!
IF YOU WATCH THIS TO HE END: be prepared for the last episodes, I cried all through them, couldn't help it, after watching this you begin to feel like your a part of this class, and it's very painful to watch the final episodes, be aware that 85% of the viewers will cry during these moments, have a handkerchief on the ready!