I loved this movie! This was such a good concept and they portrayed very well through good script and great acting from the entire cast. I didn’t realise how it could be a controversial concept but alas we have many intolerant people in this country.
The people banning this movie and saying bad things about it based on religion and ideals and whatever need something better to do with their time!! I respect your opinions but your reasons are just unacceptable. Please it’s a movie made for entertainment and has not disrespected any community. In fact it has encouraged the involvement and highlighted the significance of so many communities in the art that is food. Please Netflix get this movie back!!
Also all those ppl shouting about this movie promoting muslin ideals then SO WHAT?!!! Do you guys have no sense of community or inclusivity! She wears a burka and reads namaz before making the Biriyani because that is what she learnt from that lady and wanted to show respect to her. She followed the recipe given to her by the lady. And if you didn’t realise, the other guy in the competition who didn’t read namaaz before, also made equally good biryani. It was a tie!! The movie just wanted to show that you can make delicious food out of any principle you follow! Get your facts straight!!!!