Made me realize how upbringing kids is very important. Family is the basic unit of the society and how a child is raised would really have an impact to the society. When it comes to juvenile crimes, everyone is a victim. The series have shown that family, particularly the parents/guardians, have a huge responsibility as part of the society. There are different juvenile cases portrayed on this show and how all of the offenders became one was a result of an unhealthy upbringing.
They've also shown in this series the impact of the juvenile crimes to the actual victims. Can't imagine how could a child commit murder, rape, violence and other crimes. The effect was much more painful knowing that young offenders would be treated differently through a juvenile justice system.
I was somehow educated on how the juvenile system works, from the court trials to supervision and monitoring, they even have home care facilities/centers for juveniles.
Here are some of the thoughts/questions I had after watching the series:
What if the parents/guardians will also be punished for the crime committed by their child? Will this make sense and bring down the number of juvenile cases? Is parenting education good enough? Should there be some sort of legal qualifications or requirements to ensure that couples could raise a child well before they could have one? How about the environmental factors like peer pressure? Will this make a child a juvenile even if they were raised well by their parents? How would the court and parents ensure that the child won't be a repeat offender? Why do we have repeat offenders? Should there be a change/revision in our juvenile justice system?