Once again Infinity Ward has proven themselves to be very uncreative... they give you a bunch of " free dlc " which consists of calling cards emblems and blue prints to guns however they never thought the system out right or there not listening to their devs... theres no pre-game lobbies to show off or flaunt your emblems or calling cards essentially making them completely useless as well as no map vote... the maps in the game are just boring and quite frankly suck.. theres just 10 base maps for 10v10 and 6v6 followed by 4 dlc maps coming out of season 1 which 3/4 are from previous titles which make it very bland there not even maps players wanted in the game. Post game lobbies need a comeback for competitive reasons if win or lose in tight games, and to be able to team up with talkative teammates. Spawns in this game are the worst in call of duty history considering how decently sized all maps are.. you shouldn't be able to spawn within 15 ft of enemy players and usually when you do your back is turned or they place you right on someone who just killed you back towards them.. and when that's not happening your spawning in three different spot along one side of the map or if you play domination its spawn on flag A then C followed by A then C again and then placed along B makes No Sense whatsoever!!! They also took away in game k/d/r stats across all game modes which is trash. This game needs a lot of updating in quite a few areas.. being new maps, spawns across all maps, pre game and post game lobbies, calling card and emblem screens dont show how to obtain either can barely be shown in pre game lobbies making them just useless. I just dont get how Infinity ward is taking 10 steps backwards.. ground war would have been decent with destruction but a tank can't shoot a wooden barn down with 12 snipers in it so there rewarded heavily.. gunfight should only be played on 6v6 maps like in 09 if they wanna play 2v2 and 3v3s. At this point I would have rather paid for 10v10 and 6v6 maps I would actually use rather than whatever this is going on. I like this game and had high expectations for it however you people aren't listening to the general population not even the devs from what I hear.. this game is stale with out MAPS 14 maps going into season 2 is SAD considering most cos games released with 15 or so maps base game. Be creative make fresh maps bring back the old ones people want or can vote on bringing back, give us the classic mw2 and mw3 calling card and emblem system back, bring back the pre game and post game lobbies so we can show those things off we work hard to achieve.. to wanna play the same team again or to keep playing with the same players, bring back the map veto opportunity and in game stats. You guys had something amazing going but with heavy adjustments you can still fix it and hopefully extend the life of this game.