Although Evan Peters did a phenomenal job at this role, I feel like there was too much filler. The next door neighbor doesn’t exist in real life while the real person who did call the cops multiple times and witness the 14 year old with Dahmer. She did not live next door she lived in another building, it was incredibly dramatized when it came to her parts especially the sandwich scene which never happened. I’m more of a factual person and while I do feel like it hit some points, while others could’ve just been left alone. We truly will never know what happened to these victims in their final moments so filling in the blank for them is horrid. In a way it does glorify the killer when the episode about the deaf victim came around. Jeffree Dahmer is a cold blooded killer he did not deserve the character development of a misunderstood abused man. He is a disgusting human being. Also it was incredibly jumpy one moment were in a memory next present day it just didn’t add up maybe because they do not know the order in which these people were murdered?