The person that gave it a one star is a very educated when it comes to animals you can tell. Many things they do at the farm is for the safety of others, and they do treat the animals better than anyone most of these animals aren’t inherited from people that thought that they Rescue animals all the time. It’s a worth fighting for if it was not for The Farm these animals would just be slaughter, it takes a lot of money emphasize a lot of money just to have one animal as it cost a lot for feed, etc.. This is a place that people if they are animal lovers should be donating to. It takes an awful heavy buck. . It takes A awful lot to feed these animals get them grain and just the all-around taking care of, everyone has their own character, but if you are going To get offended by what other say or talk or someone else’s yelling as you say or bickering then you’re someone probably that’s very miserable in life. This is a good cause and I have been around this area of expertise for more years than people that put the reviews and are just speaking their peace.