I love it! Don't be fooled by the comments saying its bad, they prob just watched too many hetero vamp shows, or is homophobic, or racist too. Some didn't even watched it, they just saw the sapphics and immediately commented bad shït and bûllsh!ts, u know how i know? It's bc when it hasn't been released yet and they were already hating on it. Twilight is popular even if the acting and the script is meh.. Don't get me wrong i don't hate the actors and I love Kristen Stewart, its maybe bc the show is full of heteros. Anyways, the cgi of this show is not realistic but they could prob improve it if they can and want to. Just try finishing it, I finished it within a few hours bc didn't got bored and I love it, the comments are just ruining it for me. We love the cheesy and cringy sapphics especially when all we get are always sapphic shows that are for adults only, so sometimes when teens want sapphics they just watch them. So pls netflix, put more budget to it, improve the cgi and editing, give it a good storyline and most of all, DO NOT CANCEL IT.