F%#*ing Epic!! I loved it. I can’t wait to watch it again. Super unique, loved the twists and connections made with references to future movies and story lines. It could stand alone as an awesome intriguing movie let alone add to an already awesome franchise. Joaquin Phoenix did an impeccable job. Wow. Hats off to Joaquin who truly took this character to another level!! I wasn’t sure anyone could beat Heath Ledger’s portrayal however Joaquin Phoenix certainly only adds to the depth of the character as well as providing a gripping, dark, sad, disturbing, relatable (lol) and especially relevant context and history to the role of the Joker. I’m on his side now, that’s for sure. I love the way the movie also shines a light on mental illness and the lack thereof services, understanding and patience still plaguing the industry at a time when more people are affected than ever before. I could go on and on, but to put it simply, it’s awesome. I loved it. And any hipster DC nerd who can’t appreciate the new level this movie has taken the whole franchise to is sadly mistaken.. in my respectful opinion :)