Well it is a very good and commendable concept by an amazing Young guy who is surely an inspiration to all of us. However has anyone else encountered the problems and errors with various of the Julia code in this volume. Which it would appear is also already out of date and out sequence with the current edition of Julia for Linux 1.5. Furthermore there is no mention whatsoever of the use of a Shebang as an aid in the use of Julia in the whole volume. Perhaps since this in itself might very well appear that this would open up major problems requiring considerable broadening and depending of the coverage and use of Julia which may or may not lead to Julia as at best a very good new front end for Bash as firmly and well establish operating system until Julia can establish itself to be of a similar standard from which to work from. Almost before the print has dried on the pages of his book. Which is a very unfortunate and regrettable state of affairs. Furthermore, if Julia is in fact ever to take it place and make an impact in this area of research it would appear that these behind the concept have taken their eye off the ball in that Julia does not even receive so much as a mention in O'Reilly's Linux Pocket Guide, the Bash, Pocket Guide or the Git Pocket Guide, current editions or any of the earlier editions of these works. an omission that these behind the concept of Julia might yet care to consider and address.