My husband and I watch this show regularly. It is a good show for the most part. That being said some of the content they air IS NOT paranormal at all. Like the "spider walking creature" That is clearly a human that has put their hands through their legs and are walking on their hands. The one where the little " alien" walks through the drive way and it's caught on the homes security camera, That was found to be a young kid playing a prank. He put a pair of his underwear on his head and walked funny down his driveway. He looked like dobby from Harry Potter. You can look that one up. There are so many videos aired that you can tell are reflections of a light that is behind them when they are videoing these "spaceships or ufo lights" through the glass of their windows. Almost every video shown is so blurry you can hardly make out what is supposed to be there. (I bet this is done on purpose ) I am not saying that all their aired videos are fake but a good majority of them are. It makes the paranormal "researcher's" on your show look like they don't really know what they are talking about or they are just acting to be a part of the show. I just wish that you would choose the content you air a little more carefully. those who are offended by the negative reviews, Please remember that we all have our own opinions. Just because someone doesn't think like you do or like the same thing you do is not cause to call them names or bully them. This is not high school. Different opinions are what makes good conversation and discussions. :)