This is undoubtedly the greatest movie known to man. Everything good about the first movie was elevated in this sequel. From the characters, to the plot, to the CGI, I truly felt like I WAS Sonic. I felt his struggles, his pain, his victories. This movie MOVED me. Tears welled up in my eyes at points, because of the masterful writing and action sequences. Although not accurate to the games for majority of the time with a lot of random detours throughout the movie (such as the random 20 minute wedding interlude and bar dance off) it was still a blast to watch. My theater was screaming close to the end, because of how crazy some of the stuff was. Dare I say, crazier than No Way Home! Sonic’s journey was really something special to watch. And even though I disliked the 5 year old humor (such as the fart jokes and the floss jokes) this definitely stands out as the best video game adaptation to date. Even though Morbius has been getting stellar reviews recently, I have to say that this may JUST be able to top it.