This movie, should never be seen by anyone. Because it unlocks the locked part of the brain making you transcend to a higher plain. I was watching this movie and got a load more than expected. When the cat came out, I came and quickly learned that I am in fact a furry. Now this cat is an evolved form of animal. I deeply believe that the only thing that this film borrowed was the cat but loosely. It kinda looks like Garfield in a frame or two but aside from that completely original. This cat is a hybrid of cat, man, and frog (THE ANTICHRIST MUST FEED) giving it a unique feel about/walking style. Now on to the other characters; Marcelle was braver than any dumb toaster and wiser than any wizard. He is head chef at his restaurant and has a very secret ingredient that he adds to all of his recipes ;). Now he did have a love interest whose name is Carol. She had a very flirtatious personality but it worked. She also (I CRAVE VIRGIN BLOOD) has a very nice walk and all around beautiful body. Her petite size OH BOY was that a bonus feature for all ages and genders. Oh and how could I forget about Greg. This rat of a man had the biggest personality of them all! Always saying “Precisely” made me shiver every time. And that one at the end of this amazing film (I WILL FEAST ON THE SOULS OF THE LIVING) had me shedding tears more so than that at a my uncle Greg’s funeral. My only complaint about this masterpiece is the forth and final worker in the fine dining establishment known as Ratatoing is that his only trait is that he forgets stuff easily and just like that he too is forgotten. I do say this is the best film of this century and will go down as a classic in all of history.