Pretty fun game and well designed. Great graphics as well. Only problem is having to simulate being around fake cringey Californians. Lame way they dress, act, talk, live is unbearable to be around. No one else in the entire world thinks they’re as cool as they think they are. They’ll have the lamest catch phrases and their only identity is trying to act “cool”. Very one dimensional and pathetic. Hate the way entertainment is going in this direction. No one wants to play as a protagonist that vapes and rides around on a Segway, while waiting for their rich dad to Venmo them some cash to buy some weed and latte type of person. Also, just notice is that how much of a numb skull do you have to be to think, throwing a car battery is going to electrocute somebody? I keep coming back to this review as I progress through the game. My God, California is the cringiest garbage place to live. Everything that every human being on earth, and in history have agreed upon to be a great human being, California does the complete opposite. My God, I’m playing Bruno. One of the most laughable characters in the game. Quit ending his sentences in “yeah?”. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?