This film is a psychological horror, and very unlike most gorey and supernatural movies. It is sad in nature, so not for everyone, but I mean this with every ounce of my being: It is the most incredibly well executed psychological horror film I've ever seen. It's all a metaphor, filled with more metaphors; the acting is flawless; and shows the reality (well, dramatized reality) of people living with severe childhood trauma and how it follows them into adulthood (sometimes in the shape of a creepy spider puppet). There was never a second where I felt bored, disappointed, or that it could've been done better. I will say - put your thinking cap on when watching this, and try to catch every metaphor you can, because it gets better and better all throughout. It is disturbing, unsettling, saddening, surreal - but if you're a psychology-buff, it'll have you engaged immediately. I recommend this whole-heartedly if this seems like your type!