I’ve not seen too many people address this, but if you have anxiety disorder... You will get this movie, completely.
Everything beau does in this movie is filtered through the lens of having anxiety. It makes it tough to determine what is real, because that’s how anxiety heightens situations. From the very first few scenes in the film, it reveals this. The film represents the constant battle in Beau’s brain of him trying to gain the confidence to stand up for himself, and retreating back to old habits, because that’s EXACTLY what having anxiety does to you.
The dream-like sequences represent him maladaptive daydreaming to escape the trauma of his mother, which make complete sense because he imagines an entirely new life, where he is a different person living a relatively simple and uncomplicated life. I have had these daydreams before and many that experience issues with mental health will understand almost everything in this movie.
I cried at the end because of Ari’s message to the audience. Those that struggle with anxiety disorders I feel will deeply resonate with this movie. If you don’t… I’m don’t think it will be easy to get, because you have to experience what he is going through.
I wouldn’t say this is a horror film at all, but a traumedy (so heads up).