I personally didn’t like some picks of thin, frail, almost anorexic women (with exception of 2 athletic ones) giving misconception of Korea’s beauty standard. However, I honestly thought the show is smart n interesting - got me hooked/rooting for few.
Now re: “pure, fair skin” controversy - Korean men’s affinity to pure, white skin has nothing to do with race. It is not about white or black people, or any prejudice regarding this. It has historically to do (unfortunately!) with social class! lol Well mannered, learned upper class (yang ban), or popular courtesans (kisaeng - from outcast or slave) had whiter skin because they stayed indoors mostly and did not need to be under the sun. Whereas, lower class and slaves had tanned skin because they couldn’t avoid the sun. It is also acknowledged in Asia that sun ages/damages your skin and makes you look older/gives you black spots. It is just not sought after since it is bad for your skin, period. I think it is rather western viewers who are skewered toward looking at things with racial divide. And Korean don’t bleach their skin (unlike some other Asian countries) - they have products that even out the skin so that you don’t form black spots but the skin color is natural - Korea is located north of most Asian countries and because Korean either study or work long hours (sadly!) during the day, you have to put in a lot of effort/money to tan your skin nicely rather- which is considered sexy in Korea and sought after by many young people today