Solid 4 or 4.5. This is a warm, decent, non-manipulative historical movie. It’s a complete blast-from-the past in moviemaking. The movie is in most ways a linear bio-pic, though the clever framing mechanism (that’s Jon Voight’s job - and it works well) makes it feel more relevant and contemporary. Quaid sells himself as Reagan - a high hurdle. It’s an award-worthy performance, though of course that will never happen. The movie is well-acted, well-written, and has good cinematography and staging.
The movie was put together by people who clearly knew and understood the Reagans - the actual warm-hearted, decent peopel they were. I had one very brief interaction with them when I was a teenager (and it included one of the dogs portrayed in the movie) - and this is what I saw, albeit briefly. The movie is a love letter to a great American. His greatness does not fit the current political narrative desired - so see this to peak through that veil.