Was introduced to the first book 10 years ago. It took me 3 years to stop laughing at every silly thing that happened! I enjoyed the story, but felt it didn't have a lot of substance until the end. Then came Book 2. The story is so well solidified in this book and it became a new favorite. As I was 12 years old at the time, and the oldest of three, I was able immediately to completely connect with Janner and he's still my favorite character. As a Tolkien and Lewis fan, I also pretty quickly found that the Wingfeather Saga appealed to my imagination in a way few modern authors can. I was captivated by The Warden and The Wolf King, not only for the obvious biblical parallels but also because it obviously was influenced by the Lord of the Rings (4 "sections," each focusing more on some characters than others). This is a must read for any kid and adult who loves good clean fantasy literature. I'm one of those people who can read a book and see it playing out like a movie in my imagination as I read, so it really hit me hard. Imagine how I felt when I learned it was being made into an Angel Studios short film series!
Season 1 does deviate plenty from the books, but I actually enjoy and respect this, as there are a few things that are mentioned in the books but made more clear in the movie (two characters have a strong relationship with each other that's barely mentioned in Book 1, but strong in the films). Also copyright laws are such that not even the author could have copied his work without citing/getting permission from someone. And he's heavily involved in the show (I love his character's British accent!). The sea dragons are incredible, and the cliffhangers are as well. The music... Well, I sing some of it most days all day long. But there are still some animation problems. Characters don't always fit in their environments well, and there's a lot of clothing disappearing into bent arms (especially Podo's). Tink's arm one time also melds into the environment for a few seconds. And Leeli in one scene is leaning on a crutch that isn't there for about 10 seconds (they still haven't fixed that annoying and crucial bit). But still a show to enjoy.
I'm glad I chose to sign up for the Angel Guild just so I could get Season 2 a few months early. I've watched all three of the episodes that are out about 3 times each. For those of you who don't like the show deviating from the books this season does a better job of using dialogue from Book 2. It is more epic than Season 1 as well. The animation is better too. So far Leeli's crutch hasn't melded with her shoulder or disappeared, and Podo's arms don't cover his clothes as often. The characters also interact well with the environments. However, there are some scenes with frames that actually look very real. I thought for a half second that one creature's head really was 3D. But the voice acting (in both seasons, actually) is incredible. Those who enjoy a good fantasy film will find Season 2 riveting. Anyone whose read the books may also recognize a certain red dragon is given an anonymous moment in the spotlight too. Last thing, though. People who have fear of mosquitos and/or beetles might get put off by one giant creature. Fearsome creatures aside, this is a show that well deserves any future awards it may win (Season 1 and the pilot episode, A Crow for the Carriage from 2017, both got nominations).