I don't really know ..where to start about this book ..just wanna tell you that i just waited for my duty to get over so that I can reach my room and get back to the novel ASAP..every chapters made me too curious to know what's the next now ..
And RYLE ..i just fell in love with him the way he loved lily ..i know he isn't the right person for lily but i can't help myself to get over from the beautiful relationship they used to have ..i just cried when Lily said “I want divorce ryle ”my heart was shattered by the fact that they can't be together anymore ..but it would've been injustice for the little lily if she choosed ryle..she remained strong throughout her tough period ..i respect her character for the courage..but still somewher in the parallel world i dream the old Lily and Ryle living the most romantic and adorable life and ending up their life together with their beautiful daughter ..a happy ending of the most romantic couple ❤️
And about the author Collen Hoover ..i just love her the way she make the characters alive .i still feel like there is a ryle waiting for Lily..UGLY LOVE was a happy ending story she made ..and in this book she made me craving ryle and Lily..🥀