I watched your morning show on September 12 and you were talking about where all the presidents were on 9/11. You were showing what Former President Bush was saying and then you said and President Trump was at the firehouse and police station DOWN THE STREET FROM TRUMP TOWER. WHY did you have to say that?! Like he was only there because it was by his tower! First of all, why would he go anywhere where the people there that made his term nothing but a living hell?! For all YOU know they didn’t invite him or uninvited him. Yes he was with the people who he loved and cared about and the people who loved him! I feel bad for all you people who think he didn’t love this country. He loved it more than your puppet that is up there. He only cares about other countries and money! I really like your show, but I absolutely despise your hatred for the right. I remember Walter Chroncite. HE reported the news! He didn’t add his political hate in the news. Now I have to stop watching your show. Shame on you