Does it feel anything like The Shining? No.
Nothing is comparable - not the cast nor the performances nor the plot nor the visual treatment but as a standalone movie this is good. I guess they've tried to use the same BGM, colours and lighting but somehow it didn't immerse mean part of me remained in The Overlook for atleast a few months after I saw The Shining. I didn't even fall into this in the first place so there's nothing to snap out from.
It's commendable they replayed the characters from there but here it just looked like a fancy dress competition.
I particularly hated the "evil lady" traveling halfway accross the world like a satellite physically flying. That ruins everything. It should've been simple teleportation or it could've been filmed like a mystical astral travel. I guess especially since they're always sitting in yogic meditation postures that's the way it should've been, not physical flying.
I guess all I'm saying is if you haven't watched this, it doesn't matter. If you haven't watched The Shining, and you like intense deep cinema, you've missed one of the most profound experiences of your life.