Another very enjoyable Tinker Bell film, or should I say, a Fawn film. Ever since The Great Fairy rescue, they have done a good job on expanding on Tink's friends as supporting characters, culminating in a movie where one of them is given the spotlight as the lead. I wish we got more films that focus on each of the other fairies, but alas.
My only complaints are mostly just things I personally would like to have seen included, biggest of which is just that I wish Periwinkle made an appearance to help Tink search for Gruff in winter, just to get more appearances from her, or having Zareena be there, even if only as a background character.
And the animation of this one is probably the best we've seen so far, especially with Gruff, who's fur is rendered beautifully. The music in this one was fantastic two, Heart of Stone is definitely going on my playlist!
This series has came so far since we first saw that Dandelion float into Pixie Hollow, and while I wish we could have gotten more stories from Neverland, I'm happy with the ones we've gotten.