Simply put, I hated it.
I have loved Stars Wars movies since I was 3 and could put the VHS in the VCR. I've grown up with the saga always in my life with posters and toys and video games. As an adult, I read the expanded universe books and filled all the holes with Wookiepedia to have a complete knowledge of the entire SW universe. So when Disney bought the rights, I was skeptical. Happy because Lucas wasn't going to make anymore movies after the prequels, but worried they would ruin everything. Then Disney says that the expanded universe is non-cannon, hurt at first, I later sided with reason saying, "Good, they can make some original content.". Force Awakens first, The Last Jedi next, and now Rise of Skywalker prove that the only truly new content from Disney is terrible. Most of the movies that make any sense being in the movie are because Disney took all the movies and expanded universe and put it in a blender, then threw it randomly into their movies. I would say the only concept they had that showed any creativity, was the reveal that Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter. It doesn't make any sense to the character of Palpatine, but ok. He fathered a kid, when? Before he looked like a soggy prune or after? Was this another making a baby through the force like Anakin? But most of all, why bother? Other than seeing cameos from original trilogy actors in this overly SJW plugged, contrived pile of trash... this movie left true fans with more questions than answers, without answering other questions. I wanted this to be good. I wanted them to succeed. I wanted more Star Wars content. But they rushed it and pandered to liberal agendas instead of telling a story that fans were wanting. The only redeeming thing was that I didn't have to pay for my ticket.