Admittedly I have been sucked into the "F&F," Universe from the beginning back in 2001. I left the theatre at the age of 17 back then and (not surprisingly, as a dumb teenager does,) sped around my small home town in my mothers V4 Hyundai Elantra with gall that I would be Dom in a 1/4 mile. I loved the OG and was suckered into buying a ticket to see 2Fast 2 Furious. (Snore fest). I then thought my relationship with the franchise would be on the rearview mirror. Paid no attention to the release of Tokyo Drift, had no idea that there was a fourth which saw the return of Dom. BUT THEN same 2013 and Fast 5 and I was like an addict giving up on sobriety, F5 was and to this day IMO one of the best rebooting of movie IP and just the perfect pop corn movie to watch for the sake of turning your brain off to be amused. 6 stepped up the insanity of over the top set pieces that just made for great entertainment, then 7 then the passing of Paul Walker. I cried and still cry when I hear the the Sam Smith/ Wiz Khalifa track. Now begins the erosion, 8,9 ... with out Walker it lost its everyman emotional core. Yes the movies got bigger and more spectacular, but so did the egos of the cast. "Vin, Dwayne, Jason all having clause in their contracts that they can be seen losing a fight on screen" if it wasn't for Tyrese and his brilliance I most likely would have checked out at 8, bu t nonetheless here I am X only because I just need to see it through and have closure. But this first instalment of what is supposedly to be a 3 part finale was by far the worst since 2fast 2 furious. The movie cost 400 million USD 100 million on casting alone, which is why the opening set piece "fire effects" look like drag and drop instagram tik tok elements. The direction and exposition is degrading to faithful audience of 2 decades. This franchise has gone the way of Jesse from the OG driving off after losing a race to the Tan's in race wars. It should have counted it's losses after Paul Walker death paid its dues and not wound up lying dead on the sidewalk in front of 1327.