This movie really wasn't what I expected at all. I thought they were brave to write in the death of a child early on. But after that, for about an hour pretty much nothing happened. You could see them setting up plot points e.g. the radio station/radio tower, (albeit the tower was left unused in the end, why talk about climbing it and then not not climb it), the drainage tunnel, the metal shredder. Lots of annoying people, who the audience will enjoy being dismembered later on.
It was interesting that the protagonist turned out to be the antagonist, but when the guy cried "I don't know what's happening to me!", that pretty much summed up what we were thinking as well.
The romance was basically crow-barred in. When the young lead actress went all weak at the knees over the dreamy (aka pretty gross) guy and pursued him like a 15 year old wanting to get pregnant immediately so she could get out of going to school, well they was odd.
So many plot points were left hanging. e.g. the mother slapping her son, then going in for a full on smooch on the lips, it would have made more sense if there had been historic abuse in the family, so coming back later to kill her could have had some meaning. But a quick kiss from mom, without tongue this time, was all we got. Dad nearly made it through the movie, but was a casualty of poorly aimed rifle shot. That was sad, I hoped he'd make it, he was a good guy.
Anyway after and hour of not doing much, we checked the time and with 30 minutes remaining (10 of which would be credits), the director realized that he was making a slasher movie, so it was time to kill off those who had been annoying, so pretty much anyone who had done anything remotely disagreeable was in line for unimaginative deaths.
At one point the Little Bad asked the Big Bad to "teach me how you do it". So a very short lesson in how to stab someone ends with the death of a character nobody would miss. I was left thinking that if I'd needed to learn to stab someone, a YouTube video would have been just as useful.
So really a lot of the movie didn't make a great deal of sense. E.g. why was Mike hanging about in a sewer, was he just hanging out and waiting for this particular Halloween, or had he been on a bit of holiday, through other sewers? Is he incapable of killing on other days of the year? Why then have the "missing girl" billboard directly above where he lived? That's another unused plot point.
I was left thinking, "If you're going to spend $33 Million on making a movie, what not spend a portion of that getting really good story written?"
2/5 please try harder.
Oh and, it was Halloween! Why did they not have kids all over the place out Trick or Treating? They then could have had Mike and Mini Mike walking about unnoticed. That night, of all nights, that could have hid in plain sight. Once again another opportunity missed.