It is just like all the other mainstream media......with dem bias.
I have Absolute proof that CBS is politically bias. If you are watching a cbs show and you have subtitles/captions on, at the end of the show a statement shows at the top of the screen stating the subtitles are supplied by cbs. When a democrat political ad comes in, there are subtitles, but when a Trump political ad comes on there are NO subtitles. And there you have it....pure hateful bias an the part of cbs!!!!
Everyone should learn about antifa and the constitution and states rights. I will explain exactly what is really going on and who is to blame.
Antifa is a violent group that has looted, burned and destroyed people's livelyhood. All the Antifa expenses are paid for by Soros...a democrat! wherever they go and do, their expenses are paid. That makes it democrat sponsored domestic terrorism! Make note of where this violence is happening. It is happening in states with a democrat gov. Govs. that want to de-fund police so it is harder for them to stop the violence. The federal gov cannot send in the national guard or any force to stop the violence because of states rights (constitution) unless the state gov asks for help. Those dem gov will NOT ask for help because then they can blame Trump for the violence which is in fact dem paid for and/sponsored. Most Americans do NOT understand how this works. If antifa were to do this in a solid republican state, the repub gov would ask for help and Trump would send help as he must do. Dems know this and also know Americans would not know the difference. Inform anyone that does not know so Americans can better decide who to vote for in Nov.
You can fact check this all you want. just don't ask a dem as they will lie to defend their position of blaming Trump. I did my research as all should do to fully know what truly is going on in this country!
Daniel Marques
Non-party affiliated
War veteran...disabled
P.S. Scientists all around the world have come to the exact conclusion. The earth has been cooling since 1998. The science proves it!!! The sun, which is the only heat source the earth has, has been cooling. This process, according to earth history and science, the summers will get hotter as the cooling begins. It is a slow process, but mark the scientists word all around the world, between 2024 and 2040, the earth will be very notable cooler. All the scientists that have been studying the sun and whose pay IS NOT coming from government payments, agree, the earth is cooling because the sun is cooling!