This show is not remotely funny. Every joke is telegraphed, each character is exactly the same. No social skills air heads that are so self absorbed they can't see past themselves. Each one has severe pshychological impediments. You could plug and play each actor into anothers part and not tell the differnces. It's not the acting, its the writing. Every sceen, every character, 15 words then off topic then, revealing personal stuff that sends them on tangents that lead nowhere. They just keep the show intentionally going around in cirlces. The whole thing could have been wrapped up in the first show for all the time they wasted, intentionally running us around over and over and over. Then technically, they must have used 10 different sound people. The music is 5 times voice volumes. Each sceen a different volume. Have no idea of how to balance sound for presentation. The acting is excellent, just for the fact that they had to deliver this script.