The secret is more about living consciously instead of unconsiously - which is fuled by reacting to negative emotions. This is just a stupid rip off of Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth. The movie opens with a bunch of old, white men telling you its a secret... its also called privilege... sprinkle in a copule white women and two black people...they sprinkle in some dead people with fancy quotes to make you think they would support this non-sense but remember they didn't get consent. MLK jr in particular preached about white male privilege. The whispering of hte dead people quotes is so cringe. The whole movie is majority old, white men. Later on they mention some of the men had bad youth circumstances, this further proves they were given extra chances over and over to change their life with no repurcussions.
Claiming the law of attraction is how money is made is absurd. its exploitation, its being evil, and if attraction is a part of that, should we want it? thinking about bad things doesnt make it happen, its an evolutionary trait to prevent you from doing things you dont want to happen. the cut scenes of bad things happening is hilarious like a dumb info-mercial where its over exaggerated to make a point. the stories about people are obviously made up to support their agenda of "pull yourself up by your boot straps" philosophy. Of course positivity makes you feel better and makes you brush off bad stuff and engage in better scenarios with people. Writing down your goals has always proven to be helpful for the human mind. Just like religion, they never show you the people who tried these methods and got nothing in return, they only show the few scenarios that it worked for some people's random scenarios. Then they tell you "just keep doing it, its right below the surface, its about to happen!" just like in religion its a loop to keep you entangled.
The rest of this is junk they're trying to sell you to take your money just like anything else. This is definitely bull made for boomers by telling them they dont understand electricity so they should also trust other things they cant see, the perfect storm for today's overflow of conspiracy theories and that they dont need proof of measurable science to trust. "Feeling" healthy and propserous is absurd and no nature doesnt respond like that, countless people die unnecessarily because they believe god will save them if they pray hard enough. Then he says, "pay off your debt with auto withdrawl program" like no shtt sir. They continue to tell you, well you're still not abundant because you're not focusing on the inner joy first, THEN the outer stuff will come. Same junk as religion, there's always a made up reason they can point to as to why THEY think you're not abundant yet. Its a loop on purpose.
Telling you to ignore bad behavior from a partner and focus on what you like about them is a long-time tactic by religions to keep women trapped in abusive relationships. It's data backed that people who pray actually die at higher rates than others because they refuse treatments.