It’s quite a disappointment as an album. They kept pushing back the release date only to come out with this oddly produced and pretentious wreck; I for one can’t believe that I spent all those years waiting for it.
I could go on forever about how frustrated I am with how awful the album is, but that’d be pretty pointless. This album’s biggest problem is a general lack of direction. A7x took a lot of pretty sweet concepts and threw them together without the slightest hint of organization. Any given song within the album will interrupt itself to spit out an unneeded and unnecessary musical idea. It gives me honest to God tonal whiplash. It honestly feels like the album would be more listenable if they stitched together the random added sections, if that makes any sense. The song that exemplifies this problem best, at least in my opinion, is We Love You. The song floats between different moods with no regard for what makes sense from a musical standpoint. I’m getting tired of complaining so I’m gonna finish this. Bye :3